Botanical Name

gaultheria fragrantissima Wall.


Rhododendron hypenanthum Balf. f.



Local Name

Dhasingre, Patpate, Macchino

English Name

Fragrant Wintergreen

Plant Description

Wintergreen or Fragrant Wintergreen is an evergreen robust shrub reaching up to 2m in height. Leaves are evergreen, aromatic, ovate to lanceolate, smooth above and gland dotted, and with bases of bristles beneath. Plants have numerous axillary spikes like clusters of small fragrant white or pink flowers. Fruits are voilet or blue. This plant is endemic to Himalya and found naturally in upper tropical and temperate regions of Nepal, within the altitude of 1500m to 2700m. It favours rocky dry slopes. Leaves and aerial twings are sustainably harvested from the natural forest.


Wintergreen oil is extracted from the steam distillation of leaves and aerial twings of Gaultheria fragrantissima Yield percentage of Wintergreen oil ranged from 0.3% to 1.0% on fresh weight basis. The amount of Wintergreen varies depending upon the age of the plant, habitat and processing technique.


Wintergreen oil is used as a flavouring agent in the confectionery industry and to manufacture soft drinks. It is also used in cosmetics(especially to manufacture hair oils), perfumery and pharmaceutical companies. Wintergreen oil is antiseptic, aromatic, carminative and stimulant. It is used in the treatment of rheumatism, gout, stiffness due to old age, scabies and neuralgia. It is also revitalizes and gives energy following muscular pains, particularly good for athletes for instance.