Botanical Name

Valeriana Jatamansii Jones


Rhododendron hypenanthum Balf. f.



Local Name

Sugandhawal, Samayo

English Name

Valerian, True Valerian

Plant Description

Valerian is a perennial rhizomatous aromatic herb reaching up to 50cm in height. Leaves arises from the base and are heart shaped; flowers arises on the top of leafless stem. Rhizomes are yellowish brown, woody, unbranched and aromatic. It is found throughout the mid hill regions of Nepal within the altitude of 1500m to 3600m. The rhizomes are harvested from the wild by uprooting the whole plant during september-November. Cultivation of Valerian has started in some parts of Nepal.


Valerian oil is extracted from the steam distillation of rhizomes of Valeriana jatamasii. Yield percentage of Valerian oil ranged from 0.09% to 1.0% on dry weight basis. The amount of Valerian oil varies depending upon the age of the plant, habitat, and drying and storage method.


Valerian oil has wide range of medicinal, aroma-therapeutic and industrial uses. The oil has wide range of therapeutic and industrial uses. The oil has wide range of therapeutic properties (anodyne, antidandruff, diuretic antispasmodic, depressant of the central nervous system etc.) It is also used in pharmaceutical preparations and as fragrance and flavouring agent.